
SEO best practices are a set of tasks designed to help improve a website's search engine rankings. Common search engine optimizarion best practices include on-site optimization, reseaching keywords and building backlinks to a site.

the 10 SEO best practices that you should follow to achieve higher search rankings:

  1. Align your content with Search Intent

  2. Write a compelling title tag and Meta Description

  3. Optimize your Images

  4. Optimize your Page Speed

  5. Use Internal Linking

  6. Improve the User Experience on your Website

  7. Include Keywords in your URL

  8. Focus on Getting More Authoritative Backlinks

  9. Publish Amazing Content

  10. Track your Results with the Google Search Console

1. Align your content with Search Intent

Search Intent is the purpose behind every search query. Understanding and satisfying search intent is Google's ultimate priority. Pages that rank on the first page of Google have all passed Google's litmus test on search intent.

2.Write a compelling title tag and Meta Description

The page title and meta description are two of the most important meta tags on your page. Title tags are clickable headlines that appear in search results and are extremely critical from an SEO perspective.The second most important meta tag on a page is the meta description. A meta description is a brief summary of a page in SERPs it displayed below the title tag.

3. Optimize your Images

Images play a crucial role in improving the user experience of visitors on your site. Chances are you spend a lot of time selecting the right images to enhance your blog posts, product pages, and other important pages on your site. Compressing images is vital to ensure fast-loading pages, but this isn’t the only way to optimize images for SEO. You should also add alt tags and use descriptive filenames.

4. Optimize your Page Speed

Nobody wants to visit a page that takes forever to load. There are several free tools that can help you check your page speed, including Google's very own PageSpeed Insights; you can learn how to improve your Google PageSpeed Insights score here on SEMrush.

5. Use Internal Linking

Internal links are important because they establish an information hierarchy for your website and also help Google get a deeper understanding of the content on your page. Internal links can significantly boost your rankings when used the right way.

6. Improve the User Experience on your Website

Google keeps a close eye on how users behave with your content. As such, user experience is one of the key factors in improving your search rankings. Page speed plays a vital role in improving the user experience of visitors on your site. Improving your site’s user experience (UX) can directly and indirectly help with your SEO

7. Include Keywords in your URL

URL structure is an often overlooked aspect of SEO. A good URL structure provides both users and search engines an idea of what the destination page is all about.

8. Focus on Getting More Authoritative Backlinks

Despite several changes to Google's search algorithm and ranking system, Google still considers backlinks to be a key ranking signal. Google recognizes backlinks as votes of confidence. If your web pages have a high number of backlinks, it increases your chances of ranking higher in search results. As a result, it is important that you focus on building backlinks for your website.

9. Publish Amazing Content

The content ranks better on Google. This claim is backed by several studies, including the most recent SEMrush study on top-performing articles. The search volume isn’t always a good predictor of organic traffic potential because many pages also get traffic from long-tail queries.

10. Track your Results with the Google Search Console

The Search Console is like a live dashboard that lets you know how your site is doing in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). There are a lot of cool features and tools in the Search Console. There are all super valuable on its own. But the real value is tracking your impressions and clicks over time. If they’re moving on’ up, it’s clear that these SEO best practices are working.